Saturday, September 6, 2014

My Mission Statement

2014~Keep Your Eye's on 'the Light' and Watch Your Life Become Bright!

I am a precious daughter of God whom he loves dearly.

The Legacy I pray to leave is for many to seek God and trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior believing he died for their sins. By reading, receiving, living the Word of God, true transformation of the heart can take place.

I want to live each day with the knowledge it might be my last day making it a great day regardless what comes my way.

I pray it be known the most important thing I'm working towards is the day I walk into the arms of Jesus and he might reply, "Well done good and faithful servant." With this, it is my hope that at my funeral the common conversation is what salvation in Jesus Christ can be if you Believe and any tears become those of joy knowing I am 'Home.'

As a Wife, I pray to be the helpmate God would have me be. I pray to extend the unconditional love Jesus offered to my husband. I pray to speak words of truth kindly with love when they are both good/bad.

As a Mother, it is my hope to model being a wife and a mom to all 6 of our children surrendering each of them back to God and asking Him each step of the way for His guidance for every circumstance we might encounter.

As a Professional, I recognize I ultimately work for God and glorifying Him is most important. I pray to remind myself, He is my provider, not the company and no amount of money can offer more than He can. It is my hope to be 'the Light' in a world that continues to become darker.

When it comes to my enemies, I pray to crucify my flesh and love no matter what. I honestly believe the Lord has put certain people I know in my path for His purpose to glorify His plan.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

'LOVE Will Keep Us Together!

I've been wanting to see a movie and was able to sneak out and see it. It's a movie about a young man who is now an adult who was dealt a harsh hand of cards in life and sad to say grew up as many men today without the presence of their Dad. The movie went on to tell about his life and focused alot on his family and how and where he grew up. The Dad had many dreams that don't fit what we call 'The American Dream' of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. In addition, much attention was given to the idea of the 'belief system' (core values) of this man, his family, his son seems that dreams are made of control and government control. The government would take care of you, there was no need to explore your dreams, what you were created to be, all you need to do is rely on the government and it didn't seem God was part of the picture. After the young man's Dad passed away, he (the young man) made a vow to do great things to see his Dad's dreams come true and ultimately make his Dad proud. The movie started at 1:40. I didn't make it in until 1:55. As the movie progressed, my stomach started to knot up and I began to get really nauseous. As I was watching, I realized my personal core values were really being attacked as well as this young man seemed like a lost soul and my heart was aching terribly for him. I sat there for a few more minutes and had to leave. I walked out shaking almost like I had just received the news of the death of a loved one. Remember, my calling in life is Chaplain. I learned to love no matter what. My top 5 strengths per the Strengthfinder 2.0 assessment are strategic, belief, responsibility, empathy, and individualization. When I got in the car, I started crying. it was like the core of my stomach was on fire. The good news is, no one had died. The sad news is, I felt I had just met this young man and if that were the case, I would reach out to him and extend the Jesus type love I believe he needs. Unfortunately, I don't think he's available right now for a meeting. You see, the young man in the movie is our current President, Barack Obama. For me, the movie has less affect on me getting out to vote (as I will) but it has more affect on the reality that this IS our current President. I'm extremely concerned for him and the direction he is being led to lead our country in. No matter what happens in November, he is still going to be our President until mid January 2013. There is quite alot of time for him to make decisions that will affect our lives in really scary ways. Mark 12:29-31 Jesus tells us: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. And, Love your neighbor as yourself.' Today, I am asking you to pray for this man, for God to heal his wounds from childhood, to rebuke all generational curses, for him to be set free to be the Man created him to be. We are called to Love him no matter what. Ultimately, my hope is to see God's dream for him to be fulfilled. Not so much his Dad's dream, but for him to be able to live The American Dream of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of a happiness he would seek for himself and his family. I pray we began to we lift him up as the Leader of our great country and we unite as a Nation that acts like it is One Nation Under God. We can't do anything about the past, but we can begin today to pray to extend the true 'agape' love we are called to extend. This is not a love that is my way, your way, but as Believer's in God, it is HIS way. Right now, when you look at the direction our political races have started to become, with the mud swingin'~name callin'~slanderous tv add's, I'm reminded of recess back when I was in elementary school. The problem is we were kids then and we're adults now. I don't understand why we have to stoop to the level of the other guy and join in with the ugliness. We've become a country that is divided in both DC as well as in our homes. If the candidate is fulfilling their calling of running for office and they are led to run for this office for the right reason, why are they appearing insecure? Remember-evil can't get you if you don't let it. In reference to this political season~if you are reading this and you don't feel your voice is being heard or you matter, you don't have enough money to make a difference, please know that is not the truth. You matter. We are all products of the environment we grew up in. It's time to stand up to what YOU believe. You have the ability to match up your own core value's and line those up with some of the candidate's. This is how you know who might want to vote for. If there is no one who share's your value's/belief's, then know maybe it's YOU who needs to fill that spot! I completely believe if you desire to live in America, then you must live by what our Founding Father's originally intended-period. Our country was founded on Christian belief's. We have a Constitution that has been written of which we are called to live by and we have a Bible written by God written exclusively to be lived by! If you don't agree, there are many other countries you might consider moving too. Again, please here my heart, I ask again, we as a Nation come together to love one another as our neighbor as we are One Nation Under God for it is In God We Trust to remember what it truly means to be The 'United' States of America! As you know...Trusting God for All!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Running for Office!

I’ve just completed one of the most amazing ‘seasons’ of my journey so far. And I wouldn't be me if I didn't share more of God's goodness with His timing with the One Year Bible. Today's reading has a couple scriptures I love and should share as you read. John 6:47 says, "I tell you the truth, anyone who Believes has eternal life." And then Psalm 107:2 says, "Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies." This time last year, I began pleading with God for me to get busy. Basically with the exceptions of a couple things like getting re-married in 2008, (which yes this was a change) the vision God gave me in 2007 was still not moving in the direction that seemed to be making a difference in people’s lives. I worked from home which was good, but I kept thinking I’m not busy enough and I really needed some people interaction in order to do what I’ve felt God was calling me too. Honestly, between you and me, I really didn’t understand most of the vision He gave me and because I’ve spent most of my life ‘making it happen,’ I’ve really struggled because I’ve known this one is God’s and I have to wait for him...oh so not easy. However, I have noticed what I think might have been going on is God has been doing ‘that’ character building/testing in me quite possibly like he did in Joseph before he went out to publicly serve/lead the way God had created and intended for him to do. So-to bring you up to date, God has been up to much! This time last year my husband and I had been living in ‘the new place’ I spoke about so often in my blogs in 2010. Again, I don’t believe in coincidences as the name of the place was called The Dominion. I had the most amazing time with my middle daughter living with us as it was her senior year of high school. Again-the healing the Lord was doing with my daughter’s and I was so sweet. My ultimate hope during this time was to equip her for what was next. She would soon be heading off to college to earn her degree as well as use the gift of soccer God had given her and play for the school as well. By the end of May, her oldest sister had graduated with her Under Grad as she had planned to head to Law School to use the gift God had given her with knowledge and that could only be from him! (wow-we’re still amazed at her accomplishments with graduating Cum Lade as well as many honors)She was accepted by several Law Schools. She had researched the Law program at the school her middle sister planned to attend and made the decision to attend the same school with her! She said the idea of going to school with her sister would be an amazing opportunity. (YES-for me-a Mother’s dream as the one thing I prayed for with my 3 daughter’s was for them to see their sister’s as their best friends and then any other friend was an added bonus.) At the beginning of June, I felt the Lord ‘tapping me on the shoulder’ as He had done so many times in my life with the "this might not make sense type tapping, but trust in me." I was led to put on a suit and take my resume to an apartment community that was positioned right in the middle of my ‘home’ and my youngest Daughter’s high school. I was also led to explore the job of Chaplain I spoke about before. I really thought this position was ‘IT!’ ‘THIS’ would be the job that took me ‘THERE” to get the vision God gave me going! ~Ready-set-let’s go! By the end of June, I ended up getting hired with both positions. They were both part time. Well-odd enough, I felt I was more effective as a Chaplain at the Apartment community than in the Chaplain job where I would walk into businesses with the hopes of being there for anyone with a spiritual type need. The problem was those with a need, really opened up and shared. I soon was running out of the allotted time for each individual company and my efforts were not working with the intended model of the company. July came and went, tearfully my middle daughter left to begin her soccer/college career as well as the need for the ‘new place’ at the Dominion was ending and we moved back to our ‘home.’ By August, both daughter’s were getting settled in what they were doing and I was getting re-settled with what God was doing. I also re-claimed the role of ‘Mom’s taxi’ with the youngest daughter as she was a sophomore in High school. Oh my heavens, the Lord was showing me much and doing much in me. My position with the Apt. Community was Part Time Leasing Agent. This was the Industry I had worked in since 1991 where I’ve worked in almost every facet of the Industry. As I started hearing/reading in the One Year Bible, those who are the greatest will be the weakest, and those who are the weakest will be the greatest, I felt this was my ‘training program’ to teach me what a true Jesus like servant was. In kind of an akqueward situation, it was mentioned how a Manager doesn’t share with the staff (me) their business when I was introduced to one of the Manager’s from one our other communities. At this point I was hearing I would be ‘washing feet’ as Jesus did for His disciples. No long after, I was asked to help out the community where this particular Manager was and essentially be ‘washing her feet’ as well as the other’s. This was tough, I knew I was to be Jesus like and even though I worked for the company, I was working for God knowing he was watching my every move. Time passed and I began feeling comfortable enough ‘to come out of the closet’ with my Faith. It was so sweet. People would open up with the reason they were moving or considering a move and when I shared a little bit of who I am, it seemed they ‘lit up’ with a comfort knowing ‘something’ led them to our community. Over and over, as this would happen, I began bringing some of my One Year Bible’s I still had from my car getting stolen to give, if the person wanted to receive it. January 2012 began. I always have a phrase-motto from God and this year is very simple, but really big if you think about it: “2012-The Year to~Believe!” This year was different. God had been teaching me how to use the fruits of the spirit in the work place as well as true humility and most important what it meant to ‘serve’ people. I felt like I did my job well, but as I thought about it, I kept hearing above and beyond to be a better servant to both the company and the people who called our community-home. Honestly, I had to start spending some extra time with God asking for His will each day and not mine as I went to work which meant me taking off any ‘me’ and being the vessel here in the workplace he called me to be. Wow. So many real Relationships with people began happening and our community was looking GREAT on paper! For me, so much clarity was beginning to set in as I began to sense God was stirring something in me quite simple but possibly ‘world changing’ and that was doing things different. Really experiencing what it was to live and work in the world, but not be like the world. I’ve been walking with a new peace, love and confidence that can only be from God. Life at home and work had settled down not because life wasn’t happening and things weren’t going on but because, I know deep down in my core God’s love for me. No matter what is going on, regardless where I’m working, what I’m doing, God is with me, He is my provider, He will never leave me or forsake me. Also- if there is something someone does or happens that might cause pain, HE WILL heal me and make me whole. By the beginning of March, I sensed things were not far from changing. One day as I was driving home from work, God took me to the calendar visually. He showed me I was to give notice March 23 to end my time with the job of Part Time Leasing. This was not going to be easy for me as God had created something extremely special between my co-workers and the Residents who lived in the community. In fact, when people came to tour the community, I no longer needed to sell or point out the amenities as much as I shared there was something amazing happening in this community and if you are looking for a place to call ‘home’ where you experience true peace, this is it. As I’m typing this, I’m smiling now as I think of pens we purchased for marketing which was says, “I’m lost and need a new home.” Oh so true of so many of us. Mid March, our community reached 100% occupancy as well as received one of the company’s top honors of 5 Stars. This meant we achieved high Resident satisfaction as well as maintained the job expectation to the company’s highest standards! Yes, God was performing his miracles in the workplace just like His Word says. March 23rd came. I woke up with such a heavy heart. I had been praying God would open a new door for me to know I was to give notice to leave the job I had grown to love so much. My husband was so supportive of me moving on. During all this time, I’ve felt God was stirring in me to be part of the movement to bring Him and His Word back to our homes, jobs and Nation. Early January I felt I was supposed to take this blog and allow it to become an outline of the Chapters God had given me back in 2006 to become a book. No profit intended, however to be a tool to encourage many to see how God has worked in my life and he will do the same for you. As I spent the morning in the Word, I felt ‘that tapping’ again. My sister in law had given me the book, “The Resolution for Women” for Christmas. It had been sitting on my nightstand since then. I was now been asking God to put up a road block if I was not supposed to give my notice to the community today. I looked over and picked up the book. Opened and read the first couple of pages and it said, “All you need to know and care about is that in God’s impeccable timing and design, He has brought this book into your life for this particular season. “ Tears brimmed up pretty big and I knew I was to take one of the biggest steps of faith had taken so far. If this wasn’t enough, my Dad called. The past weekend, he had purchased a car for my oldest daughter and he wanted me to know why he did this. If you haven’t read my blog since the beginning, I will re-share quickly that it was 2005 I had become completely spiritless, started the year with a dui, had no job due to some very bad choices, needed to finalize my divorce that I had written and moved out of my home leaving my 3 daughter’s with their Dad in hopes I would regain my spirit. This was when I heard George W. Bush reads the Bible in a Year and ‘something’ stirred in me that I could and wanted to do this. This is when the One Year Bible stepped into my life and began the transformation process I pray could begin in many. Most kids who go thru this type divorce head on a downward path. Well-as I starting reading daily, I began giving the girls back to God. Everyone I came in contact with shunned me for leaving them, but I just kept doing what I knew I was supposed to be doing. If you will add up the years, it has now been 7 years. The girls didn’t head down, they began taking steps up. My relationship with their Dad is better than some married couples. We have been there every step of the way for them. So-back to my Dad and the car he bought. He bought the car for the oldest because he said he was so proud of the Girls and how their Dad and I have parented. Yes- again God get’s the glory as this has been my ultimate prayer for people to see something ‘different’ my life and the girls before I was walking daily in His Word and how ‘Life’ can be when you know God’s love and experience what Jesus died for completely surrendering ALL to him. As you know, a girl can’t hear her Dad tell her He’s proud of her enough! The days past and I spent as much time with God as I could and I continued with the Resolution book. So many of the resolutions were ‘that’ character building I spoke about earlier. It seemed these were the things God had been convicting me about mainly since I’ve been remarried. Many, many tests I didn’t do so well with, getting on my knee’s asking forgiveness and getting back up pleading with God to help me. He is faithful and as we are all a work in progress. Easter Sunday-2 weeks later, I finished the book again, with tears as I read the last chapter, “Leaving a Godly Legacy.” Again, remember, I’ve been feeling led to take my blog, which is basically, my journal to become a book to encourage people to read the Bible. It can be any Bible, but again, if they are like me, a new believer or not disciplined to read daily, I obviously think a One Year Bible is the best. So, the last paragraph reads, “ You are a woman whose story bears reading and repeating because your God is doing amazing things in you, whether or not you realize it. Things you don’t want to hide and downplay. Things others shouldn’t need to learn over again. Things that will help them launch into life with a spiritual boosts and a head start. My last day at the community was April 27. As I was headed in to celebrate this day, I heard the song that now sums up my life today, “Live Like That” by Sidewalk Prophets. So many of the Resident’s stopped in to wish me well. I kept telling them, “I’m not going anywhere, I’m just not going to be at this desk.” God was still doing what he does best! So~what office am I running for you might ask? In this election season, where it seems most of those running are more interested in saying and looking for ugly things in the lives of their opponents, I don’t plan to jump in with them. However, I know God wants me to help bring Him, our 10 Commandments, prayer, etc back to all parts of our Nation: our homes, schools, workplaces and DC! Again, knowing God is leading me and I’m not to be ‘in the world, but of the world’ and I’m to do things differently, I ‘Believe’ the position He wants me to run for could quite possibly be world changing. So-today I announce I am running for Peacemaker Of The United States of America to begin a movement of bringing peace and love back to our beautiful country the way God intended as WE ARE One Nation Under God! My 'platform' is my story and the Word of God and you want to know the best part? MANY can run for this office as well if you just You know Trusting God for All!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The 'Life Cycle'

As I opened my Bible this morning, I realized it's been a while since a blog was stirring in my heart. As I began reading, today in the One Year Bible is about the farmer and seed that is planted:

Matthew 13:

Parable of the Farmer Scattering Seed

“Listen! A farmer went out to plant some seeds. 4 As he scattered them across his field, some seeds fell on a footpath, and the birds came and ate them. 5 Other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying rock. The seeds sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow. 6 But the plants soon wilted under the hot sun, and since they did’t have deep roots, they died. 7 Other seeds fell among thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants. 8 Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted! 9 Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.”
10 His disciples came and asked him, “Why do you use parables when you talk to the people?”

11 He replied, “You are permitted to understand the secrets[a] of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others are not. 12 To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them. 13 That is why I use these parables,

For they look, but they don’t really see.
They hear, but they don’t really listen or understand.

14 This fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah that says,

‘When you hear what I say,
you will not understand.
When you see what I do,
you will not comprehend.
15 For the hearts of these people are hardened,
and their ears cannot hear,
and they have closed their eyes—
so their eyes cannot see,
and their ears cannot hear,
and their hearts cannot understand,
and they cannot turn to me
and let me heal them.’[b]

16 “But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. 17 I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, but they didn’t see it. And they longed to hear what you hear, but they didn’t hear it.

18 “Now listen to the explanation of the parable about the farmer planting seeds: 19 The seed that fell on the footpath represents those who hear the message about the Kingdom and don’t understand it. Then the evil one comes and snatches away the seed that was planted in their hearts. 20 The seed on the rocky soil represents those who hear the message and immediately receive it with joy. 21 But since they don’t have deep roots, they don’t last long. They fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing God’s word. 22 The seed that fell among the thorns represents those who hear God’s word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life and the lure of wealth, so no fruit is produced. 23 The seed that fell on good soil represents those who truly hear and understand God’s word and produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!”

Tears began to well up in me as I thought about my own 'life cycle' of my personal testimony of the Word of God (the seed) being planted in my heart in 2005 and how that seed (the Word of God) has gown since then. Again, it was/is the One Year Bible that has disciplined me to read the Word daily and allow 'the seed to grow.' It was then this blog started coming together and my thoughts went to my kitty, Hope Cherish~who we simply call~Kitty.

It seems there is always a movie I've been watching that somehow touches me and becomes part of my blogs and the movie I've been watching lately is, "Facing the Giants." It's about a football coach whose marriage, home and job as a coach are stuck in a rut. He and his wife want to start their family and he finds he can't have babies, his football team can't win a game and the parents of the team try to get him fired. Everything in his home stops working as well as the car he drives is a clunker. He's claims he has a relationship with God as he reached out to him in prayer and doesn't seem to think He(God)is working. One day, he realizes what's missing in his life which is the Word of God. He begans what he calls his new team game plan of which his wife says she thinks it pertains to all parts of life. He starts coaching his team using the Word of God, leading his home with the Word of God and things began to change. I'm not gonna tell you the ending, but if you read the Word of God it's like 'this seed' the Word, becomes real. God's promises are true if you choose to take the time to read, your confidence begins to 'Believe' what the Word says!

As I look at my own 'life cycle', I can remember reading the word and then something would happen in my life where I reacted, got worried and tried to take care of the situation myself. (that would be 'the seed' that heard a message and it didn't have deep roots to grow.)Today, alot of my inner circle still think I'm alittle 'nuts' because I find myself quoting what the Word says for 'today' in the One Year Bible when a situation arises. You see they're 'tattling' on themselves because their 'seed' hasn't been allowed to grow.

A couple months ago, I lost around 20 pds and wasn't sure if there was something going on. Yes, fear tried to set in, however right at that time the Word was about the authority we each have in Jesus if we are Christians. Jesus died for us, by his stripes, We Are Healed! I began saying this to myself. Not he will heal me or he's gonna heal me, he HAS healed me. To be obedient, I scheduled a Dr appt to put everyone at ease. This was tough because how do you go to a MD and tell them your symptoms (which for me were pancreas related) and them not put you thru many tests that could essentially break you financially. So- I prayed and found a MD who is a Believer, actually invited me to her church. I smiled and knew God was in this. All of my tests came back normal. That 'seed' was growing in me with the knowledge of what it means to really 'trust God for All.' Just yesterday, I had some 'life' going on and it's become really sweet as the enemy tries to do 'it's' thing, my thoughts would go to the Word and I would have peace. I continued to be reminded, those how trust in God shall not be disappointed and ALL things work together for His glory-not mine.

When I think back to today's reading, my heart aches for so many and really for our Nation. I know so many people who have disfunction in their home and are unhappy with their job. I pray the 'seed' to be planted in their hearts where they know God is in control, he has them and thier family exactly where he wants them and they would seek him thru his Word. I pray they would seek him not only in prayer like the guy in the movie, but that they would begin living their 'life cycle' by reading the Word, receiving the Word and allowing it to become their game plan. When it comes to our Nation, I can't believe we have allowed God to be taken out of schools, pretty much everywhere. And just today, I heard Rick Perry has dropped out of the Presidential race for the most part due to ugly people pointing out his weakness's instead of his strengths when in reality his 'life cycle'seems to have been modeled by the Word of God. At this point, I'm praying for the 'one' to step out where it is wrong to speak your Faith to SPEAK IT and whose platform (game plan)is based on the Word Of God. Yes-I know how 'off' this sounds. Again,I'm the girl who many still think is 'nuts.'

In closing, as this blog began stirring in my heart, I was sitting on my bed with my Bible on my lap and realized something was missing. You see, the Bible became my comfort as I was blessed to do a job from home from 2006 until last summer where I would spend 2-6 hours a day reading it. In Jan of 2008 after meeting my husband who is a big cat lover, I found out his cat was about to have a liter of kitty's. I wanted a pet but knew I didn't want the responsibility of one. I was a dog lover. The idea soon came that a kitty was much easier. The liter was born, and Hope Cherrish (Kitty) came into my life. We soon became a team-when I was reading my Bible, she was right next to me and when I wasn't reading, she was laying on top of it opened to that day in the One Year Bible. This past year, I knew the season of me working from home was ending. I felt it was time to get out and start what I consider my ministry of sharing what God had been doing in me with his Word and planting 'the seed' (One Year Bible) in the lives of any who would receive it. (after my car was stolen in 2010, it was found and I used part of the proceeds to buy Bibles) I went from being gone every now and then to working 50+ hours a week. Poor Kitty got depressed and wouldn't eat. One day she wanted to be outside. I let her out thinking she would be back soon. She like being outside and always came back. Well, that was August and I haven't seen her. Since then, I kept thinking she would show up. The reality that she might be gone didn't set in until today. I am off which is why I was able to spend some extra time with God and His Word this morning. Again as this blog, The 'life cycle' began stirring in my heart, it was then that I realized what was missing and that was Kitty and the reality she's probably not coming back.

My calling in life is Chaplain. I love the idea of hearing about people's 'life cycle.' I especially love hearing what God is doing in their hearts. I love attending a Funeral and to hear about the individual who has passed. Many call me a funeral crasher. To celebrate the 'life cycle' of the person and share a special memory is everything to me. I can't wait for the day when I get to meet with a Family during their really tough time and get to share 'The Life Cycle' of the loved one they've lost in hopes they know how much I care for them and their loved one and yes I would give them a copy of the One Year Bible in hopes they seek comfort from God in His Word.

For the rest of my day off, I will probably be thinking about Kitty's 'life cycle.' She was so sweet, taught my daughter's to love kitty's and to celebrate the Joy she brought to me. I will also continue to pray for the many people I know who are hurting and for our Nation who desperately needs to be brought back to One Nation Under you know...Trusting God for All.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

'Sweet Redemption'

It’s been a while since my last blog post as I continue to seek God for what’s next, I recently had some wonderful clarity I had been praying for.

In 2006, after I had been reading the One Year Bible steadily for one year. I would wake up every night at 3:00 with what seemed chapter titles to a book. The odd part is the chapters weren’t written Funny. Today, as I smile and tears well up in my eyes, that would be a correct statement as most of the ‘story’ of each chapter was just being written (lived) with this new transformation of the way I used to live-‘the old me-sin nature’ verses this new ‘reborn me-Spirit Driven.’

The whole story is about ‘sweet redemption’ and knowing who I am in Christ, He is my provider, He will never leave me or forsake me, and most important there is NOTHING I can do in my own strength-it is all His. God loves me! His Word is the ‘truth and light’ I choose to live by.

In my last blog, I mentioned how God had begun healing so many areas of my life and many in my inner circle. He began shedding the ‘light’ I had been praying for what seemed ‘forever.’ If you’ve read my previous entries, you know the ‘storm’ we went thru and again, I pray you understand, I didn’t and couldn’t have gone thru this without this sweet God of ours and His Word holding my hand every step of the way with the daily Bible reading. (One Year Bible)

As I mentioned in the past, I don’t believe in coincidences. I do believe they are God’s way of being anonymous. ‘ One’ of the praise reports of the amazing healing God has done is my husband and I joined the church (Cross Timbers/Keller, Texas) we had been visiting that I mentioned in the past that really made us feel like we ‘had come home’ and are really part of a family. The Pastor, (Toby Slough) has incredible ‘anointing’ with his timing and delivery. The last song during the worship service was yes, you might guess, Blessed Assurance and the message was straight from Deuteronomy 8 which if you’re reading this blog, you see the name of the ministry God gave me and yup my complete testimony is based on this scripture. As he was talking, tears were running down my cheeks as I began to realize God was speaking to me.

These past couple months, I really sensed God was about to get me busy and yes that would be an understatement. I began working as a Chaplain in the ‘workplace’ as well as I have been doing some on-site Leasing with an amazing company where God is so present-unbelievable! Well-as it turns out, both humbled and sad, I ended up having to resign from the position of Chaplain as I realized I didn’t fit their model. I honestly felt the Lord was using me more with the on-site leasing. This was especially tough because you know how much the calling of Chaplain means to me. However, when I started liking the ‘title’ of Chaplain more than what this particular company did, I knew pride was setting in and I needed to let it go.

I’m not going to go into detail about how much things have changed in the past 4 months, but I will say with complete confidence GOD IS GOOD! He is a God of Redemption if you will choose to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior, read the word, seek God, and begin the most incredible journey of your life where peace and joy become your life no matter what is going on!

Friday, February 4, 2011

In 'Awe' of God's Faithfulness

I'm pretty sure this is going to be Part 1 of a continued blog.

Today in Texas, it's snowing. We've actually had ice since Tuesday. For me, as I prepared for the week on Sunday, not knowing exactly what God had planned, I knew I didn't have a whole lot going on. Yes-we serve a Faithful God. Schools have been closed since Tuesday and many businesses and churches have done the same. (kind of sad for the Super Bowl planners)

Just sitting here, looking out the window, watching the fluffy snow come down is a Blessing. Sitting here, knowing today more than ever, my circumstances don't determine my peace and joy. Looking forward to playing in it later with my Husband and kids!)

It's been a really sweet week of reflection on where I was, what I've prayed for and how God is an amazing God and is Faithful.

Recently, I heard a good phrase that is Biblical: 'Those who trust in God, shall not be disappointed!'

Yes! That was actually 2 weeks ago at my Ladies group and I continue to say and know the truth behind the words.

As I write this blog, I'm reminded this is a blog about what God is doing in Me. I was told in a prophetic word in 2009, 'MY' life is an 'open book'. So-in a effort to keep this about 'God and me', I will try not to include too many other's as they have all not said I should make their life part of this 'open book.'

Having just written this, there are a couple things I want to share to give you hope, maybe even direction if some of what you're reading touches you.

This past month, many prayers have begun to be answered. One, is knowing God's plan and purpose for my life and seeing God's plan and purpose begin to 'grow' in the lives of my daughter's. It is my prayer, if you have children or you're an adult 'still searching' this might touch You.

As you've read, I divorced in 2005. As you know and might have experienced in your own life, divorce 'can be' the single thing that makes or breaks a person's life. For me, this might not have happened had I been reading/receiving/living the Word as I do today. Also, I might have been more 'in tune' with God's purpose and plan in my life earlier had I been reading/receiving/living God's word as I do believe the job of being a Chaplain was very clear when I was a Senior in High School.

My passion seems to be growing as God's promises begin showing here at home. You see, the 'seed' that was planted in me with God's word (now more than 5 years ago with the daily reading in the One Year Bible) has been 'growing!'

It's almost as if, when I divorced, I was able to see my daughter's in a new way. As you've read, I was the one who moved. With this came a surrender like no other, a surrender to giving them back to God. As I gave them back to God, he began showing me who He created them to be for His glory. Again, keeping the blog about me, it would be very un-natural for me not to share how God has Blessed me with what He is doing in their lives and how He plans to use them.

Early on, the oldest began showing her academic and leadership skills. It was natural to encourage her in this direction. When she was in 2nd grade, I had great fun helping her study as she would type her spelling words 3 times each on the computer not only learning to spell but also getting comfortable using the computer. In High School, she tried her first beauty pageant and won! We laughed for days as we were anything but the normal beauty pageant people. God allowed her to win as she given a small college scholarship which became important when she headed off to school. She is a Senior in college where she is VP of the Student Government and President of so many groups I can't even remember. This week, she was accepted to Law School. She has an idea of what area she would like to practice. As you can guess, I continue to pray for God to continue directing her steps as they are WAY bigger than I could have ever imagined. I will say, it is my prayer the day she is Blessed to be a Mom, it doesn't take her the same 22 years to embrace, as it did me. She walks around with a very humbled attitude saying, "Jesus loves Me!"

The middle daughter is left handed. My family was so typical-yes-they would place the fork on the right side of the plate at dinner hoping they could change this. At the age of 4, she began playing soccer. Her dad is a natural athlete and this gift passed to her. To keep this about me, all I will say is, sometimes dad's put a little pressure on their athletic kids when they themselves can't do what they're telling their kids to do on the field. As divorce happened, she lost her 'love' of playing. For me, again as I stepped out, I began encouraging her in a new way. Really praying for God to direct her steps (no pun intended). Her, being Left handed has been such a gift. She is strong both mentally and physically on both sides. Last year she started playing for a new Select soccer team. Her new Coach has been such a Blessing. During a tournament in May, the new coach had asked a coach from a Big 12 College to stop by and see her. By the end of the month, we were invited to visit and on Father's day (June), she made her verbal commitment. This week, I am happy to say she was one of many to participate in the National Letter of Intent Signing Day where she will play for one of the Big 12 Colleges. My prayer for her is God would continue 'directing her steps' on the soccer field. She contiues to say, "No matter what, it always works out for me."

There are 6 kids in this now Blended Family, so guess what? As they allow me, I will share what God is doing in their lives as He is such a Faithful God.

For me, the calling of Chaplain seemed so vague however today, seems so clear. The idea of being there for a kid or an adult who is experiencing pain and is acting out in anger and frustration means so much to me. As I read today in the One Year Bible about Moses and how God has taken him out of Egypt, I am humbled. I see this in my life and I see this in our country with Egypt as the crisis in Cairo continues.

The journey to understanding our purpose and plan can be extremely frustrating. However, with God and His WORD, again, I promise, knowing today more than ever He is a Faithful God! You know...Trusting God for ALL!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

2011-'Redeemed and Set Free'

2010 was a year of many tests. I've heard many say 10 means tests which turn into your 'Testimony!' Yes I would have to agree. I've also heard 10+1 means new. And yes-I am looking forward to many 'new' doors opening this year.

It was this time last year I watched the movie "Julia and Julia" that led me to begin blogging honestly not knowing why and really not sure anyone is really following. Odd enough, as I read thru the year, I see a person who has been tested in many ways and has remained Faithful knowing 'with God All things are possible.'

As I was reflecting on the year, yes there was much happening and along the way a couple amazing things I'm not sure I've shared.

From there, I was led to re-read my journals I've kept since 2005 when God got hold of me. Much focus as been on my Daughters, Family Real Estate Business, my divorce, my 'calling in life' to be a Chaplain-how, when and where, and finally my Re-Marriage. Pretty much, if it happened it got written about. wow.

The common thread with all of the things I journal about is the amazing journey I've been on and the healing that has been occurring and the freedom from many years of chains being let go.

I knew God was completely in control, what I didn't realize is how hard it would be for me, being the perfectionist, to completely 'let go' and be 'set free.'

After my car was stolen in August, it was found and I was led to sell it. I used the proceeds to do something I've never done which was to embrace the best job I've had for now 22 years and that is 'being a Mom.' I continued to maintain my Real Estate activities on a much smaller level and allowed my self to enjoy the Holidays with the girls as I've never done before. No financial burdens, work burdens just enjoy. (yes many thought I was nuts, but today I will tell you it was the BEST thing I've ever done.)

I was able to borrow a car and attend a week long Chaplain training seminar which was a result of me getting to meet the Chaplains at the Juvenile Court when I attended the hearing for the 2 kids charged for stealing my car. It was like I would walk out of the training every day extremely tearful as I was understanding so much of myself and the purpose and passion God had created in me. So many years of me feeling like I just didn't fit it really began making sense. Almost like taking your foot and putting it in a shoe and it fitting oh so perfect.

I also bought 4 boxes of the One Year Bible in hopes to begin sort of a 'Discipleship Training Program.' (many know it's my prayer to share my story of hope completely with the help of this amazing journey of reading and receiving the Word with this Daily program and for it to eventually be used as the curriculem esp. in Texas where a Law was passed that Bible Literacy is to be taught!)

Then in November a prophetic message came that said, "You are ready to do what God has called you to do, you are SET FREE!" (Yes-I was anticipating this as the One Year Bible reading was in the book of Ezekiel.)

It's still very early in the year and my blog of Trusting God for All has honestly began to be very real in every aspect of my life. I find myself relying on him for just about everything and a couple times when I forget-like when technology tries to fail-I'm quick to say, "yup-this one is your's too God!"

I won't even try to see or say what God has in store for me. Today in the One Year Bible in the book of Matthew it says, "You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But, the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it."

What I will say, is I'm continuing on the 'narrow' path ready to enter God's Kingdom and will close with the following prayer and yes as you know....Trusting God for All!

Our Father in heaven,
may your name be kept holy.
May your Kingdom come soon.
May your will be done on earth,
as it is in heaven.
Give us today the food we need,
and forgive us our sins,
as we have forgiven those who
sin against us.
And don't let us yield to temptation,
but rescue us from the evil one.