Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What if....?

It's been a while since my last blog as I have been experiencing many 'What if's' in my own personal journey:

What if you moved to a new place and your spouse decided to stay at the old place?

What if you checked your voice mail only to find your Dad had a heart attack-the one they call 'the Widow maker?'

What if you woke up one day and walked outside to find your car had been stolen?

What if that same week your nephew had died of substance related stuff?

What if you realized someone very close to you suffered an addiction and it was you who offered the glass of wine that 're-triggered' the addiction?

What if you woke up to the call that your step-daughter had a life threatening head injury that almost took her life?

What if the new place you moved allowed you to 'take back your cross' and know Jesus as Lord and God is your ultimate provider and He is ALL you need?

What if the heart attack your Dad suffered allowed him to recognize the Blessing of Life and know he got 'a second chance at Life!'

What if the car that was stolen was the event that allowed you to achieve the title of 'Chaplain' when the world said it couldn't be done?

What if the death of your nephew began to help many trying different substances to recognize the danger and choose life?

What if the addiction you found out that someone very close to you suffered allowed you to practice and really offer true unconditional Love?

What if your step daughter suffered a life threatening head injury and was about to walk out of the Hospital completely healed?

This my friends has been my journey since May of this year. As it is written in John 10:10-The enemy comes to steal kill and destroy, but I have come that you would have Life in Abundance!

I share this with you today hoping~praying you know the only way I've been able to make it thru this very difficult season is with the word of God by reading the One Year Bible. If you are reading this, I know some of you are not in favor of a daily reading program like a One Year Bible. I just finished watching a TV program with my Pastor Robert Morris and James Robison of Life Today. It was about 'Being Set Free' and the only way to do this is with God's word. I know this as it was 2005 I began my journey of being 'Set Free' with God's Word using the One Year Bible. It was and is somewhat of a discipleship program of which I now believe is the Mission of the Vision God gave me in 2007.

Again, if you are reading this it is quite possibly by accident or maybe I linked this to you via 'twitter' as I am praying with much passion that together we can make a difference in our homes, cities, states and the world with helping more people get 'Set Free' by reading God's word with the One Year Bible!

And yes....I do agree, Free people help people get set free....as you know Trusting God for All!

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