Tuesday, August 3, 2010

'Amazing' Journey of True 'Grace' we've been Given

I posted this on Facebook last Sunday the 25th:

'It's been an amazing couple days watching Amazing Grace while letting go of 'chains' didn't really know I needed too while reading the book, "God and George W. Bush a Spiritual Life." MANY questions about ME found in this movie and book....and funny enough Amazing Grace is one of His (GWB) favorite songs! Will post a Blog about this 'amazing' journey of true 'grace' we've been given! Guess which Bible he reads?'
July 25 at 3:17pm

My heavens, where do I start. It's like I've started and re-started this blog and it just wasn't the right 'time.'

God is so good and the 'timing' today to share is just as perfect as the continued 'Grace' I'm learning to receive.

I've shared about the transformation process God has been doing in me. Many have asked, 'What led you to this?'

Well-much like the movie 'Amazing Grace' and George W, when I look back to 2005, I didn't find God, He found me.

Many of you who've followed this blog know my past. Forgive me as I share parts again as I pray there might be 'new eyes to see' and 'ears to hear' and might be touched to see how much Mercy and Grace are there to be had-we just need to receive it!

January 1, 2005 began with no job(worked temp. @ $10 per hr),needed to take care of the DWI I got the past summer and the time was 'now' to go forward with the Divorce Petition I had filed the previous November which meant I would be moving out of my home and leaving all I knew, esp my Daughter's.

I've been a Christian for many years....however didn't really understand Grace, Faith and Love. I have chills as I share, I heard George W. Bush read the Bible in a year and was convicted. If he can do it, I could too. Started my Bible reading and didn't/couldn't find the time to read and next thing I knew 2/3 weeks passed and I was still in Genesis. I remember thinking if there was a reading plan to follow, that would work. Found my girls Precious Moments Bible and in the back was a 'reading plan.' Tried this, again, was still not disciplined to follow. One Saturday night, was at the bookstore of my 'then' church Fellowship Grapevine and the Bible that has changed my life found ME!

Began reading, feeling so overwhelmed.

Had a job opportunity offered to me....wasn't sure about it, however I felt this amazing pat on the back, "Trust in me." So- I took the job. It was funny, again I started out making $10 an hour. Next thing I knew, the DWI was done, probation started, and by mid March my Divorce was finalized. Gosh...now time to move. Much harder than I ever expected.

I began this 'Amazing Journey' of seeking the true 'Grace' Jesus died for. At this point, my Daughters were 16, 12, and 9. Today I see God's hand in this. At that time, I promise I was 'heart broken.'

I met many people during this time who are still very close friends who met me 'then' and see me 'now' which allows me to again Thank God for His mercy and 'Grace.'

2006-I left this position and went back to the 'world' of Real Estate with the Family Business. This also meant 'straight commission.' It was this year that the Deuteronomy 8 verse reached out to me. Honestly thought my 'tests' were done and life was moving 'up!'

No-not yet. Again, staying in the word...reading pretty much every day, God was transforming me. Breaking down 'Me' to be like 'Him.'

2007 started with financial Blessings from God. This allowed me to take my 1st Mission trip which was to Argentina of which I am Blessed to still be in contact with the Couple who were the hosts. (prayng now to re-visit!)

Well-here comes the part I haven't 'blogged' about because it was too painful as I didn't understand what was happening. I started having these 'Visions' about a non-profit using the One year Bible. They started small ang got big. I was working so hard on these things. As they came to me, I wrote/did everything I felt I was supposed to do. The odd part was, it seemed every Real Estate client I worked-fizzled out. (this meant zero income for me.) By November the vision was getting really exciting and life as well.(This is when I met my Husband as well as I was Baptized in the Holy Spirit.)

The hardest part was as I was 'standing firm' on 'Faith like a mustard seed' and trusting God for what he was doing in my life...my 'nest egg' was getting smaller and smaller....doing all I thought was right...still not understanding.

I began going to/thru some much needed Freedom counseling at my new church-Gateway, I was able to 're-visit' some times in my life that had held me in bondage and really speak to some "Generational Curses' form my Family line.

What I was completely un-prepared for was my 'new spirit' was so new that it was open to some really 'rough spiritual attacks.'

2008 started with me applying for Food stamps and Medicaid for my kids....humbling...

Gosh-I felt so vulnerable. It was like I felt many in my 'inner circle'saying, 'where is God...almost as if they were 'mocking' me.' I had been doing all I knew for income-applying for any job...and God clearly didn't want that for me. Quite possibly, He wanted me to see some of the life I might be Ministering too.

By March, my relationship with 'the guy' had dwindled(again this is my Husband)

It was in April the 'big' one hit me. I remember driving down the road with my 2 youngest kids and hearing very clear: 'What would you do if you had no one here on earth...no parents, kids, etc. just me to lean on?"

My parents basically created a job as New Business Dev. for me to 'get me back to work.'

The idea of 'this' was a dream job for me...somewhat like I was the 'face and voice' of the company.

It was mid April when something really 'odd' happened to me me. Friday night I couldn't sleep. I was overcome with fear...turned into Saturday and then Sunday. I didn't sleep all weekend and couldn't eat.

What was really weird, was I felt like 'everything I knew' had been zapped. Today, I think this was what 'the world' calls a nervous breakdown...to God it is called Him 'completely breaking' His to be like Him. I went to work on Monday and looked at the computer and didn't know what to do. I was asked to work with a Real Estate client, and again, didn't know what to do. Definitely not able to be the 'voice and face' of the company. The only thing I knew to do was grab 'what I knew' my One Year Bible, but again-it was foreign.

So-you can imagine-what does the 'world' do? Medicate! Gosh. They 'assumed' all of my visions were 'thoughts of grandeur, etc'-get it? Bi-polar. Me not understanding-did what they said and took the meds. Oh my heavens...my life was over.

Guess what-yup that was true. MY LIFE WAS OVER. It was created by God for His Glory and to fulfill His Purpose and Plan.

By May 2008, I began hanging out with 'the guy' again who then became my Husband. Most of the story you know, the part I've been too embarrassed to share is how little I knew with this 'new' me. Even in the kitchen-utensils were odd. Everyday life was new. At that point, in my time alone, I pleaded with God to save me...He keeping tellin me...He already did.

In the past couple months, I shared about my daily life...today I want to share about my 'true life of Amazing Grace.'

Since I've been re-married...my life has been under attack...but God has been there every step of the way. You might think I only believe in the One Year Bible, no. What I know for sure is if you want to stay in line with God, you must be reading 'some' kind of Bible everyday to experience this 'Amazing Grace!'

It's been there for you...no matter how old you are. If you're not receiving this, please hear my 'heart' in this it-it's right there..God's word...

The book about George W. Bush offered me so many answer's to me and 'why' this Bible. He didn't only read the Bible-it was a friend of his, Dr. Tony Evans-yup the amazing Pastor from Dallas who gave this to Him. GWB says as He quotes Woodrow Wilson, "sorry for the men who do not read the Bible every day as it is the one supreme source of revelation of the meaning of life.'

Like me, the book speaks alot of the 'facts' of Separation of Church and State and my Passion of the Bible being a part of public schools, actually part of 'everyday' life everywhere! The truest fact of which is Freedom of Religion. Not ONE Religion. In fact, I'm Non-denomination..believing some Faith(Jesus died and rose for me) and Freedom is what our Founding Father's intended and then most important it is 'IN GOD WE TRUST!'

The movie, Amazing Grace continues to speak to me in reference to just 'how' and 'when' is the right time to pursue the vision God has given me. I feel much like Wilberforce with amount if 'knocks' I know I will receive. AS well-as the song itself,I was lost and now found..!

This past weekend, I celebrated my 2 Year Wedding Anniversary with my Husband. It was Thursday night, I spent some really sweet 'time' with him that I felt this 'new grace' in ways I've never felt. Friday- yesterday were spent celebrating what God brought together with this Union... so many 'worldly expectations put to bed....understanding more than ever the 'peace' of Honoring God for His expectations! Beautifully enough..again loving God...the topic spoken about this weekend at my church-Gateway-Southlake-was about THIS very thing! Knowing and receiving God's amazing 'gift' to us....the gift of GRACE!!!

I pray you hear my 'heart' in this, I would love to hear yours! I pray for financial Blessings in the near future for me to be the vessel God wants me to be....as you know.... Trusting God for ALL!

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