They say we are born as a sinner. This much I know. They say in order to be 'saved,' we must ask Jesus into our Hearts-this I did with the help of a true friend when I was 12 whom I'm so honored to say we are still friends.
From there, it has taken me to the 'newest' lesson God has wanted to teach me which I learned this last week.
I mentioned in my last blog I would be taking the Real Estate Broker exam last Friday. On my heavens, it has been a LONG time since I've had to 'buckle' down and study! I started out last Monday...really having a hard time concentrating on this-really wanting to create, write etc. Blah!
I'm still not sure why I needed to know so many things on a test to do a job that requires more knowledge in Experience and less 'book knowledge.' Anyway. Tuesday came around and I was really struggling because the information was not sticking in my brain.
Many who know me, know my Strength and Faith in God is very deep rooted. And, many who know me, think of my Faith and the idea that God will make 'it' happen. However, I too have and had to do the work in order to maintain this!
Somewhere along the way, I missed something. As I've grown into this 'new' person completely putting ALL of my trust in God, I think I missed the fact that He has put many wonderful people in my path to be there for me to reach out and have the 'Courage to ask for Encouragement.'
So, I started by texting my Husband which I'm embarrassed to say was hard. He sent back the PERFECT text that could only come from Him. Next thing I knew, one of my girlfriends called to encourage me and let me know how my journey has helped her. Yup...God was doing His thing like He always does....His word says, "I will never leave you or forsake you."
Friday morning, I knew I wasn't prepared, but I had done all I could do. I sent a text to many asking for prayer for the test. Again-they 'assumed' I had the brains to pass, etc.
Calgon!!!!!!! The test was aweful. Not only did I not pass, I felt completely DEFEATED.
So~what's the only thing a 'girl' is to do-shop. I needed a pair of shoes for a wedding the next day and had seen a pair I wanted-just need the right 'encouragement' to buy them. YUP-this was it!
Funny enough, I mentioned to someone before the test Friday that 'I' wanted to pass the test mainly because 'I' was so tired of studying.
The lesson for now was-it is important to have the 'Courage to be Encouraged' just as important as it is to have the 'Courage to Encourage!'
See-with my passion for the Word of God, I missed that I too deserve to to be encouraged.
Well-it was a 'fitful' weekend for me knowing the days were counting down for me to get this test over with. It was the 26th and I needed it to be done by the 30th.
On Sunday, I scheduled to re-take THE test for Tuesday the 29th. This was the last straw. Nothing like some good pressure.
Monday, I 'buckled' down like no other praying for the ability to concentrate like no other. Didn't sleep much and went in with the confidence only God could give and much encouragement from MANY on Tuesday morning. Guess what? I PASSED!!!
I get to finally say, I did this with God and many!!!!
It is my prayer for you to know it's good to have the 'Courage to ask to be Encouraged!"
It is also my prayer for you to look around today and ask God to give you someone for you to have the "Courage to Encourage!"
The picture below is the Bouquet of Roses from my Husband congratulating me which many of you know is really an amazing Victory for US!
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