Friday, June 11, 2010

The 'Walk' of my Life

Monday, May 17th I took what I call the 'Walk' of My Life. In reality it really began 5 years ago as I've shared with learning to 'Live' again. and have done this with God's word in the One Year Bible to be completely 'transformed' from who I was to who I AM by taking the 'Walk' of living my life of being set 'free' and getting In-line with God's purpose and plan for my life.

On the 17th, things were 'heatin' here at he 'new place' with my Husband and I told him I needed to go for a walk. As I was heading out, I asked God where I was going? He said-'there!' 'There' being where it really got heated up, 5 years ago when it was time for me to 'let go' of ME and surrender to HIM which was the home I moved out from, leaving my family and everything I knew to become the real 'Me'.

Wow. I kept pleading with God, it's kind of far, I'm really not dressed for this and He said, Trust in me. I started out, gettin a whistle and a honk and thought, I can't do this. God said, keep goin. As I got closer to the home, walking the streets that had so many memories of walking my kids to school, playing tennis, bike rides, I started understanding the 'need' of the walk. It was as if I needed to walk back thru this to see how far God has taken me. When I came to my street, tears started running down my face. How in the world did I ever leave this, what in the world took me down the road to such darkness? And I walked up to my home the current resident was there and I walked up, introduced myself and said, I was just 'walking' by.

When I got back to the 'new place, ' the next part of the finishing touches of this 'transformation' process had begun as my husband was not there, he had gone back to the 'old place' of what he knew.

Tuesday morning the 18th of May the One Year Bible reading was: John 10:10: 'The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy.' Yup. That's pretty much what was happening 5 years ago and was trying again today. After I finished my Bible reading, I was led to a book a wonderful Woman of God wrote and gave me called, 'Walking in Victory.' (A MUST FOR ALL to read and do as a Bible study...(

Well-again, I tell you, the reason I'm so passionate about the One Year Bible is there just can't be so many coincidences(God's way of being anonymous)as this. I opened the book and Lesson One, Chapter One is Experiencing God's Abundant Life and the first verse to be read is:

"The thief comes only in order to steak kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).' John 10:10.

I was able to read thru the Book while reading in the One Year Bible the book of John that reinforced-applied the word of God. (In my earlier blog-this is how I worked thru my Dad's heart attack and how I'm dealing with the current situation with my husband.)

My friend mentioned in the book she was needing some help dealing with her emotions and read the Bible thru praying about this. As I finished her book, I've been doing the same. Another very gifted person who is an amazing man of God is named Bob Hamp who is executive Pastor of Freedom at my church. He just released His book-'Think Differently-Live Differently!' Once again-get it-read it-apply it with the Word of God-amazing!

It wasn't his book that has brought me to what I consider some of the 'fine-tuning' during this 'walk,' as it was an article He wrote in a magazine of 'Becoming Yourself.' He highlights 3 main steps to the pathway to freedom: Surrender your perspective, surrender your will and finally surrender your soul (mind, will and emotions.) Again, knowing my One Year Bible reading has been in the book of John, with chills it references:

"Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God." John 3:19-21

What I know for sure, this 'Walk' has been an amazing transformation process! The pain of 'life' that hurts deep in my gut is gone. Finally. And I know 'life' is going to continue. What I have learned and again want to help you with, is no matter what you're going thru YOU can begin the 'Walk of Your Life' today with this One Year Bible or any (this one just made it so easy for me and I really believe it will be easy for you if you're in a dark place looking for some way out)....God's promises are true and He is there every step of the way....Trusting God for All!


  1. I read this, and it hit me hard. I have am starting a walk similar to this right now.

    I am reading and praying. I have wrote out a covenant to God for my husband, and I wrote out a prayer to pray for him everyday. I got a prayer cloth, prayed over it, and annointed it to put in his pillowcase.

    I think he cheated on me. He says it was not sexual, but any way you want to slice it he was in contact with his ex. She sent him a very provacative photo, and she was going through a divorce when she sent this particular photo.

    I have been through this myself, and I know God is taking care of me during this time. However, after reading your post, I think maybe I need to take a little walk myself and just listen to what the Lord has to say to me.

    Thanks for sharing your story and inspiring me to press in, press on, and press upward into the Father's presence even more deeply.

    I am praying for you during this time, and I ask you to pray for me as well.

    God bless and keep you!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your story!

    Listening to the voice of God through His Word and His Spirit leads us to victory. You are listening to Him and He is directing your path, making it straight and clear (Prov. 3:5-6). He has such an amazing plan for you! You are going to soar on wings like eagles because your hope is in Him...You will run and not grow weary, and you will walk and not faint (Is. 40:31).

    I am looking forward to seeing all the awesome things that God has planned for you!!!

    Abundant blessings to you my friend!!
